Bingo Tom
Will: Who is Robert Russell?
Josh: He's the Congressman from Western Colorado, and I don't mean the state, I mean the mining company.
Toby: Bob Russell is not presidential.
C.J.:...Is he Bingo Bob?

A pair of swastika-wearing brown shirts showed up, asking the rally-goers to leave the Republicans and join the Nazi party. I thought they might be clever counter-demonstrators, but it turns out they may have been legit. No confirmation whether counterfeit demonstrators or "iliterate" supporters carried the "ilegal" placards (Photo Credit: By Bill O'leary -- The Washington Post). That's the trouble with trying to follow Tancredo. Stuff that looks like parody turns out to be real.
He sounds quite rabid in the NPR report from the scene, crying: "We have a war! We are facing a military on the other side of the border — an armed military — who periodically come into the United States of America... armed, threatening our people, threatening the border patrol."
He's referring apparently to a border incident in which a county sheriff chasing drug dealers watched an olive colored Humvee come from the Mexican side bearing men wearing military-style uniforms who evacuated one of drug runners' SUVs when it got stuck in the river. (One more strike against SUVs!) The U.S. State Dept. says these were not members of the military, but known members of a narco-trafficking ring that employs military-style uniforms, equipment and tactics.
This would not be the first time the State Department and Republican officials disagreed on a pretext for war.

No, not that Team America!
We were legit.
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