Saturday, July 09, 2005

Crisis Pictures Update

A week ago, Crisis Pictures was unexpectedly locked out of its image server, shutting down its important service. I reported on the situation, but was hampered by having to rely on what the organization posted on its site.

I just received word from Trevor Davis of Crisis Pictures that they expect to be back up today. Here's the short version of what happened.

An organization that had been providing Crisis Pictures free space on its server recently moved to a new host. No one notified Crisis Pictures of the move, and a week ago Friday, they suddenly lost access to the server. It took some frantic calls and emails to sort out what was going on. To complicate matters, the individual who'd originally arranged the hosting was on vacation.

You can't just call up a company with, "Hey, I've got a bunch of files on your server, and I need to get access right now" and expect a quick response. However, a new deal has been negotiated, and Crisis Pictures is moving to a new server.

"I needed a few days away from pictures anyway," Trevor wrote. "I've been doing this continuously since November, almost entirely by myself. (When I say 'we,' it's usually wishful thinking.)

"I'm being much more shrewd about contracts for free services," he added. "This will not happen again."

Thanks to all who donated.


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